RUN! (930 pts)

This challenge was a keygenme for Windows (64-bit PE), and like all keygenmes you had to understand the algorithm and write a keygen for it.

The algorithm was “simple”, you just had to deal with C++ overhead for std::string, and was basically:

  • The programs take the username and computes the sum of each char of the username (with some SSE2 wizardry)
  • This sum is then given as seed to srand()
  • The user serial is split into 2-char blocks, and each block is decoded as hex string and the integer is added to an array
  • The program then searches the highest value in the decoded serial array and allocated a int array with this size
  • The array is filled with rand() values mod 13371337
  • A valid serial is a sequences of indexes into the random array whose sum is equals to 0xbcdb6 mod 1337

So, the tricky part was to generate this sequence of indexes. Since I wanted to generate a valid serial for any input (instead of bfing the seed value to find “nice” values), I had to “bruteforce” any possible sum until I found the correct sum with the given seed.

And since that sequence could be quite long, I used a “meet-in-the-middle” algorithm, where I basically did this:

  • Create a map that will store a sum and its associated offset sequence and fill it with 1-byte sequences
  • While nothing found:
    • Generate n+1 sequences, and for each new sequence generated, check if (0xbcdb6 - current sum) is in our dict.
    • If it’s the case, then we found a valid serial which is map[current_sum] + map0xbcdb6 - current_sum].

Which gives this implemented in Python:

import struct
import ctypes
import itertools

crt = ctypes.cdll.msvcrt

def mod(x, n):
    if x < 0:
        return (n + x) % n
        return (x % n)

username = b"aaSSfxxx"
seed = sum(username)

random_array = [crt.rand() % 13371337 for _ in range(256)]

dictcomb = {random_array[x]: [x] for x in range(len(random_array))}
loop = True
while loop:
    keys = dictcomb.keys()
    for elt in list(keys):
        # Construct sequence of n+1 offsets
        for i in range(len(random_array)):
            # Compute the next sequence and the associated sum
            j = dictcomb[elt] + [i]
            result = (elt + random_array[i]) % 13371337
            # Add it into the dict if not already present (if we had a shorter sequence with the same sum)
            if result not in dictcomb:
                dictcomb[result] = j
            # Check if (0xbcdb6 - checksum) is present. If so then concatenate the two sequences to form the array
            if (0xbcdb6 - result) in dictcomb:
                print("".join(["%02x" % x for x in (dictcomb[result] + dictcomb[(0xbcdb6 - result)])]))
                loop = False
        if not loop:

After 2/3 minutes of running, this gives a valid flag for my username aaSSfxxx: 0101010101011c4465b0b0e601010b292929a5b0b0b0b0b0b0 . So after entering those information on the remote server, I got the flag.

YAY! (988 pts)

This challenge is another PE (32-bit this time, so no hex-rays in my IDA Home). The task’s description was:

unpackme if you can !

which was a bit misleading as we’ll see later. The binary had some “weird” anti-debugging tricks which were for the most by ScyllaHide on x64dbg for me. The first anti-debugger trick I encoutered was:

push    0
push    0
push    ThreadHideFromDebugger
push    0FFFFFFFEh
call    esi ; NtSetInformationThread
push    4
push    4
push    ThreadHideFromDebugger
push    0FFFFFFFEh
call    esi ; NtSetInformationThread

which basically shuts down all debugging features of the process who calls this function (if not hooked by ScyllaHide :þ). Then there was a quite huge function in 0x4057B0 that seemed to scrap syscalls numbers from NTDLL, but I didn’t spend time to identify what syscalls.

Then another anti-debug function that did “WinVerifyTrust” calls to check some DLL integrity, calling scrapped syscall from previous function and putting vectored exception handler after that. For some reason, the function failed, but I just forced EIP to bypass the check after, so I could trigger the useful part of the binary.

Once the antidebugs bypassed, the binary connects to a server to fetch a string, which is actually:


This string is then splitted by “,” character and each int is stored in array. This array is just bytecode for a custom VM, which contains 24 handlers. After some reversing, I was able to decode this bytecode and got this:

0,1      // weird init
7        // print welcome
13       // input flag
9,0      // mov r0, flag_size
8        // print flag, srand(0x10c9) and creates an array of (rand() % 7) + 1
4,1,0    // mov r1, 0
10,1,0   // cmp r1, r0
11,25    //    jz @26
12,2,1   //    mov r2, flag[r1]
14,2     //    push r2
1,1,1    //    add r1, 1
5,10     //    jmp @10
16       // crypt_input_buf
18       // put_serial_vec
17,0     // mov r0, serial_len
4,1,0    // mov r1, 0
10,1,0   // cmp r1, r0
11,53    //   jz @53
19,2     //   mov r2, enc_input
20,3     //   mov r3, input
10,2,3   //   cmp r2, r3
11,48    //   jz 48
21,6     // print badboy
1,1,1    // add r1, 1
5,32     // jmp @32
22,6     // print goodboy

The interesting handler is “crypt_input_buf” handler, which looks like this:

.text:004022BD                 cmp     [esi+VMContext.flagbuffer.sz1], 0 ; jumptable 00402151 case 16
.text:004022C1                 mov     [ebp+i], 0
.text:004022CB                 jbe     def_402151      ; jumptable 00402151 default case
.text:004022D1                 mov     edi, [esi+VMContext.input_vec.end]
.text:004022D4                 mov     edx, [esi+VMContext.randvec.end]
.text:004022D7                 nop     word ptr [eax+eax+00000000h]
.text:004022E0 loc_4022E0:                             ; CODE XREF: DecodeInstruction+30E↓j
.text:004022E0                 mov     edi, [edi-4]
.text:004022E3                 mov     ecx, 8
.text:004022E8                 mov     edx, [edx-4]
.text:004022EB                 mov     eax, edi
.text:004022ED                 sub     ecx, edx
.text:004022EF                 sar     eax, cl
.text:004022F1                 mov     ecx, edx
.text:004022F3                 shl     edi, cl
.text:004022F5                 or      eax, edi
.text:004022F7                 movzx   ecx, al
.text:004022FA                 mov     eax, [esi+VMContext.enc_input.end]
.text:004022FD                 mov     [ebp+var_C4], ecx
.text:00402303                 cmp     eax, [esi+VMContext.enc_input.alloc_end]
.text:00402306                 jz      short loc_402310
.text:00402308                 mov     [eax], ecx
.text:0040230A                 add     [esi+VMContext.enc_input.end], 4
.text:0040230E                 jmp     short loc_402320
.text:00402310 ; ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.text:00402310 loc_402310:                             ; CODE XREF: DecodeInstruction+2D6↑j
.text:00402310                 lea     ecx, [ebp+var_C4]
.text:00402316                 push    ecx             ; int
.text:00402317                 push    eax             ; Src
.text:00402318                 lea     ecx, [esi+VMContext.enc_input]
.text:0040231B                 call    vector_append

It’s basically a ROL unoptimized by the compiler, with the random array built by the “8” opcode. Then, the “encrypted” username is compared to some buffer defined at the beginning of the function:

mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44], 2F16F25Fh
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+4], 37CAE6AFh
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+8], 0D8D8B037h
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+0Ch], 0B1C10EFAh
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+10h], 0D56C1AF5h
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+14h], 46AFBEADh
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+18h], 0E67DC2B9h
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+1Ch], 0C63ABDE4h
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+20h], 59EB67CAh
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+24h], 0DE1DB047h
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+28h], 3BDAFAC9h
mov     dword ptr [ebp+var_44+2Ch], 0C62C76F6h
mov     word ptr [ebp+var_44+30h], 0CCh ; 'Ì'

Given this, we can write a decode script to get the flag:

import ctypes

crt = ctypes.cdll.msvcrt

encodedflag = bytes.fromhex("5F F2 16 2F AF E6 CA 37 37 B0 D8 D8 FA 0E C1 B1 F5 1A 6C D5 AD BE AF 46 B9 C2 7D E6 E4 BD 3A C6 CA 67 EB 59 47 B0 1D DE C9 FA DA 3B F6 76 2C C6 CC".replace(" ", ""))
arr = [(crt.rand() % 7) + 1 for i in range(len(encodedflag))]
decarr = arr[::-1]
lol = []
for i in range(len(arr)):
    ret = ((encodedflag[i] << (8 - decarr[i])) | (encodedflag[i] >> decarr[i])) & 0xff

Which gives flag{vm_rotate_vectors_and__much_cpp_classes_yay}.