[Breizh CTF 2022 - prog] PYCTHON
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Auteur: T0fix
Format : BZHCTF{}
The provided file is a .pyc
which contains compiled pseudo-code for a program written in Python.
You just have to use the uncompyle6
package with the following command: uncompyle6 -o .pycthon.cpython-38.pyc
We obtain then, the source python code:
def hoflag():
tab = [
'U', 'n', 'c', '0', 'm', 'p', 'y', 'l', '3', 'd', '_', 'P', 'y', 't', 'h', '0', 'n', '_', 'f', '1', 'l', 'E']
flag = ''.join(tab)
print('Well done, the flag is --> BZHCTF{' + flag + '}')
def welcome(hello):
welcome('WELCOME TO BREIZHCTF mate!')
print('Try to get my flag')
All that is left to do is to execute the source code: