Dothell Revenge

Solves: 3

It seems that you now need a password to get some stars… But you don’t have any. Time for some hacking!

Author: Oogle

Dothell Revenge was a hard reverse-engineering challenge from ESAIP CTF 2023. It was a modified version of Dothell, a challenge from the 2022 edition that had 0 solves. I didn’t participate IRL last year, but I did this year, and even beat two of the best reversers I know to the first blood.


  • Unpack ConfuserEx
  • Write a keygen with Z3

Unpacking ConfuserEx

Looking at the decompiled code in dnSpy, it’s very likely that the binary is packed.

Thankfully, when scrolling to the bottom of the Main function, we see that the program tries to load the koi module.

Assembly executingAssembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly();
Module manifestModule = executingAssembly.ManifestModule;
GCHandle gchandle = <Module>.Decrypt(array, 2751949377U);    // decrypt module
byte[] array2 = (byte[])gchandle.Target;
Module module = executingAssembly.LoadModule("koi", array2); // load module, /!\ "koi" -> ConfuserEx
Array.Clear(array2, 0, array2.Length);
Array.Clear(array, 0, array.Length);
<Module>.key = manifestModule.ResolveSignature(285212673);   // Resolve metadataToken of the entrypoint
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += <Module>.Resolve;
MethodBase methodBase = module.ResolveMethod((int)<Module>.key[0] | ((int)<Module>.key[1] << 8) | ((int)<Module>.key[2] << 16) | ((int)<Module>.key[3] << 24)); // Resolve entrypoint
object[] array3 = new object[methodBase.GetParameters().Length];
if (array3.Length != 0)
    array3[0] = args;
object obj = methodBase.Invoke(null, array3);                // Invoke entrypoint
if (obj is int)
    return (int)obj;
return 0;

This tells us with high certainty that the PE was packed using ConfuserEx (an open-source but discontinued .NET protector). To unpack it we can use a pre-existing unpacker.

Writing a keygen with Z3

Now that we’ve unpacked the PE, let’s analyze the source code and write a keygen. The program isn’t obfuscated and there’s only a single anti-debug function (nantendoShadowBan) that makes the program exit if dnSpy or ILSpy are present in the process list. Other than that, the program isn’t very complicated, it creates a form containing an input box and a button (the button runs the checker_Click function). The source code of the form is available here.

To write the keygen we’ll use Z3Py, an API around Z3 (a SMT solver/theorem prover by Microsoft). A keygen using Z3 can be written by “translating” the C# to Python and modifying the syntax a bit. Below is the commented solve script (also available here).

from base64 import b64decode
from string import printable
import z3

# Before adding constraints we need to find the number of variables to use (ie. the length of the flag)
# Thankfully it's not too hard to find ... 🥲

# This single assumption cost me 3h, most of my sanity and half of my brain cells. Why?
# Because '/' isn't a true division, it's a *floor division*
# Meaning that the condition is true for 35 but also 36, 37, 38 and 39
# The author hadn't originally planned for this and I'm thankful he helped me debug the problem at 2AM

if (length / 5 + 1 != 8)
    MessageBox.Show("Not for you!");
length = 39

flag = [z3.BitVec(f"{i:02}", 8) for i in range(length)]
s = z3.Solver()

for i in range(length):
    s.add(ord(min(printable)) <= flag[i])
    s.add(flag[i] <= ord(max(printable)))

int num = 1;
int length = this.supplier.Text.Length;
int num2 = -1;
while (num == 1)
    if (num2 + 5 > length - 1)
        num = 0;
        num2 += 5;
        if (!this.supplier.Text[num2].Equals(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String("LQ=="))[0]))
            MessageBox.Show("Not for you!");

num = 1
num2 = -1

while (num == 1):
    if (num2 + 5 > length - 1):
        num = 0;
        num2 += 5;
        s.add(flag[num2] == ord(b64decode("LQ==").decode()))

int num3 = 1;
int num4 = 0;
int num5 = 0;
if (num4 > length - 1)
    MessageBox.Show("Not for you!");
while (num3 == 1)
    if (!this.supplier.Text[num4].Equals(Convert.ToChar((int)(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String(this.ichi.Text))[num5] - '\u0014'))))
        MessageBox.Show("Not for you!");
    if (num4 + 5 > length - 1)
        num3 = 0;
        num4 += 5;

# this.ichi is a component of the Form just used to store text
ichi = "ZWpkaGtpYWIK";
num3 = 1
num4 = 0
num5 = 0

while (num3 == 1):
    s.add(flag[num4] == ord(b64decode(ichi).decode()[num5]) - 0x14 )
    if (num4 + 5 > length - 1):
        num3 = 0;
        num4 += 5;
        num5 +=1;

int num6 = 1;
num4 = length - 1;
num5 = 0;
if (num4 > length - 1)
    MessageBox.Show("Not for you!");
while (num6 == 1)
    if (!Convert.ToChar((int)(this.supplier.Text[num4] % '\u007f')).Equals(Convert.ToChar((int)(Encoding.UTF8.GetString(Convert.FromBase64String([num5] - '\u0018'))))
        MessageBox.Show("Not for you!");
    if (num4 - 5 < 0)
        num6 = 0;
        num4 -= 5;

# same as this.ichi, component of the Form just used to store text
ni   = "cnRwdnh1encK"
num6 = 1;
num4 = length - 1;
num5 = 0;

while (num6 == 1):
    s.add(flag[num4] % 0x7f == ord(b64decode(ni).decode()[num5]) - 0x18)

    if (num4 - 5 < 0):
        num6 = 0;
        num4 -= 5;
        num5 +=1;

int num7 = 1;
num4 = 1;
num5 = 0;
if (num4 > length - 1)
    MessageBox.Show("Not for you!");
while (num7 == 1)
    if (!this.supplier.Text[num4].Equals(Form.ActiveForm.Text[num5 * 2]))
        MessageBox.Show("Not for you!");
    if (!this.supplier.Text[num4 + 1].Equals(Form.ActiveForm.Text[num5 * 2 + 1]))
        MessageBox.Show("Not for you!");
    if (num4 + 5 > length - 1)
        num7 = 0;
        num4 += 5;

# name of active form
ActiveForm = "Mario star grabber";
num7 = 1;
num4 = 1;
num5 = 0;

while (num7 == 1):
    s.add(flag[num4]   == ord(ActiveForm[num5*2]))
    s.add(flag[num4+1] == ord(ActiveForm[num5*2 + 1]))

    if (num4 + 5 > length - 1):
        num7 = 0;
        num4 += 5;
        num5 +=1;

# in case there are multiple valid keys (shouldn't be the case, but you never know)
def all_smt(s, initial_terms):
    def block_term(s, m, t):
        s.add(t != m.eval(t, model_completion=True))
    def fix_term(s, m, t):
        s.add(t == m.eval(t, model_completion=True))
    def all_smt_rec(terms):
        if z3.sat == s.check():
           m = s.model()
           yield m
           for i in range(len(terms)):
               block_term(s, m, terms[i])
               for j in range(i):
                   fix_term(s, m, terms[j])
               yield from all_smt_rec(terms[i:])
    yield from all_smt_rec(list(initial_terms))

if z3.sat == s.check():
    for m in all_smt(s, flag):
        print(''.join([chr(m[i].as_long()) for i in sorted(m, key=str)]))
    print("Oh no")

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